Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Context for Learning

I am currently places at Shaw Middle School. Some special features that Shaw has are CAMP, which stands for Capable And Making Progress. The new program will provide additional academic instruction to struggling students, as well as a safe place for students to go after school.Gear up is another special feature. Gear up is a discretionary federal program that provides six and seven-year grants to education/community partnerships and states to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. There is also a program for parents of students called, SPRINT. The seventh and eighth grade students attend classes at Shaw Middle School. The program is based on the assumption that parents have the right to be involved in their children’s education, but also the responsibility to provide input for decision making in the program. Teachers, students, and parents work together as a team to help each student achieve his or her potential. Next year AVID will be added to the list.

Requirements that Shaw has are standardized testing. All students take the Washington State Assessment (MSP) each spring. Students for each grade level also take an assessment called MAP that is taken three times a school year to measure progress in reading and math. Eighth graders also take an assessment called Ready step, which is aligned with common core standards and is similar to an eighth grade SAT. Springboard is also a scripted curriculum that is followed. Lessons from the Springboard book do not have to be taught exactly as they are presented, but reading materials and curriculum is based off of Springboard. The district requires all language arts teachers to be complete with the Embedded Assessments within a particular time period and to send copies to the Administration Building of level 4, 3, 2 and 1 examples.

I am placed in an 8th grade English classroom. In fact, it is the only class my coordinating teacher teaches. He has eighth grade English students for 5 periods each day. The instructional program we use is Springboard. There are not set texts. My classroom is equipped with a doc cam, computer, white board, and projector, all are frequently used. Each class is 55 minutes long and 50 minutes on Fridays. The grouping of students in classes has been done in many ways. At the beginning of the year, the seating charts are random. After understanding the students’ strengths, weaknesses and learning styles, the teacher will intentionally place them where there are many levels seated in each group. Groups will also be divided if students distract each other from the learning process. Grouping students in this way provides help to those who are struggling and leadership development for those who are able to help out struggling students. Together they form a team.

In my 6th period class all students are eighth grade. There are a total of 18 students, 6 boys and 12 girls. 7 out of the 18 students know English as their second language. All students are able to complete their work, with the occasional help of a teacher’s aide or teacher. I am not sure of the percentage of students in the classroom eligible for free lunch, but the school as a whole is 85%.

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